Are you, your home and neighbourhood in the best shape to face extreme weather events? Take our Ready Check today


Strengthen your home against bushfire and ember attack


Need help with specific issues? Submit a question for our local experts or access a range of FAQ’s


Build your own extreme weather plan in a FREE 2 hour workshop, or discuss extreme weather resilience with local emergency services representatives

Climate Wise


It takes time, planning and carefully considered investment decisions to build resilience to extreme weather events.

Every year Australian communities face devastating losses due to floods, bush fires, storms, heatwaves and other extreme weather events. They are becoming more frequent and severe.

It is not enough to start thinking about what you need to do a few weeks before summer. Your ability to respond calmly and make quick, crucial decisions will be much improved if you have invested the time and energy in a solid plan beforehand.

Climate Wise Communities will help you to build resilience to these events, supporting you to cope psychologically, minimise your losses and recover more quickly.

walking in a bright forest

Are you ready?

Check whether you, your home and community are properly prepared to face extreme weather events.
Use steps 1-5 to assess your vulnerabilities and gather information to write your extreme weather plan.

check your location icon

Check the
hazards in your

targeted house icon

Check your personal

muscle icon

Check the strengths and weaknesses of your property

three houses icon

Assess your
neighbourhood and communication

thunder and lightning icon

Information for your extreme weather plan

bush fire

Be Prepared

Work with your community to ensure your home and family are protected.

Everyone has a shared responsibility to build resilience to extreme weather events.

  • Federal and State government have emergency management plans
  • The Local Emergency Management Committee has detailed action plans and response mechanisms for all emergencies
  • Council has detailed emergency plans and resilience-building plans in place
  • Every household needs to evaluate their own situation and develop a plan to improve resilience.
prepare act survive notice in parkland

Ask an expert

Our local experts are able to help you

The Local Emergency Management Committee members and a range of industry experts are available to answer your questions. Check our FAQ section to find local solutions, tips and ideas for being prepared in your area.

Email your question to

Become a community leader

Encourage those around you to be more prepared and increase their resilience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check our FAQ section to find local solutions, tips and ideas for being prepared in your area.


Build your own extreme weather plan in a free 2 hour workshop, or discuss extreme weather resilience with local emergency services representatives.

Fast Fact...

Ember attack is the cause of 85% of homes lost in bush fires.

Climate wise communities

Climate Wise Communities is an award-winning initiative developed by Ku-ring-gai Council in consultation with emergency management agencies and government. It builds local community strength and preparedness to extreme weather events and promotes shared responsibility for disaster resilience to individuals, households and communities.

Climate Wise Communities. © Ku-ring-gai Council 2023 

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