
Climate Wise Communities

Climate Wise Communities
Strategy and Environment
Ku-ring-gai Council
818 Pacific Highway, Gordon NSW 2072

Locked Bag Locked Bag 1006, Gordon NSW 2072

Email your question to

Phone: 02 9424 0844

letterbox within a brick wall

Ready Check

Are you, your home and neighbourhood in the best shape to face extreme weather events? Take our Ready Check today

Ask a local expert

Get locally relevant answers from emergency managers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check our FAQ section to find local solutions, tips and ideas for being prepared in your area.


Build your own extreme weather plan in a free 2 hour workshop, or discuss extreme weather resilience with local emergency services representatives.

Become a community leader

Encourage those around you to be more prepared and increase their resilience.

Fast Fact...

Ember attack is the cause of 85% of homes lost in bush fires.

Climate wise communities

Climate Wise Communities is an award-winning initiative developed by Ku-ring-gai Council in consultation with emergency management agencies and government. It builds local community strength and preparedness to extreme weather events and promotes shared responsibility for disaster resilience to individuals, households and communities.

Climate Wise Communities. © Ku-ring-gai Council 2023